Why is it so hard to be open?

24/07/2012 15:43


I met Matthew last month, and I'd say our relationship is still in that kind of “figuring each other out” stage. It's kind of weird to like a person, yet not be able to express your feelings the way you would like to. I feel relaxed with him, he's that kind of a guy I can just “click” with. There are subjects I find so hard to talk to him though.


He's 30, never been married. I'm 28 and have been divorced for four years. Maybe I'll talk about my other relationship in another article, I don't feel like doing it now. I'll just tell you that I was young and silly when we got married, and I didn't pick the right guy. I have been with him for six straight years though, I have a son from that marriage. I lost custody and he lives with my ex-husband now. And this is what I find so hard to tell Matthew. Men tend to get kind of nervous when they hear about kids, and I don't want to lose him before I can tell whether I like him and can see myself spending the rest of my life with him.


All my friends tell me to be open and put a take it or leave it kind of a deal on the table. If he freaks out then he's not for me, they say. All the dating advice sites I've read also recommend to put your cards on the table straight from the beginning of the relationship. Others suggested that I should get him to read some dating-related material just to get him in the state of mind that opens him up and recommended https://www.attractioninstitute.org/dating-advice-for-real-men, especially the part about conversation.


Anyways, whichever option I choose, I'm so frightened. I try to brace myself telling that nothing bad can happen, and that if he freaks out then he's not cut for me. Still, it's so hard, so damn hard to be open with the person you like!


On another note, this is my first post in my first blog. I know high school kids have blogs these days and I guess you can call me a late starter – I haven't had a blog till now when I'm in my thirties. I'm not very sure why I'm doing this either – could be a way to reach out to some people from behind the screen, to organize my thoughts and, why not, get some feedback. I know my writing may not be perfect, but I promise I'll get better. Wish me luck! :)